Monday, June 11, 2007

Max-Out Radio

Mike Roussell and I had a great discussion on the latest edition of Max-Out Radio.

Topics covered:

Overhead lifts
Bench pressing
The 20% Rule
The easy way to use Inside-Out: The Ultimate Upper Body Warm-up
Some of the things I'm doing with training
and more.

Check it out.



kamal singh said...

Hi Bill,

Great interview. Couple of questions for you- what is your opinion on shape of the acromion in contraindicating the overhead press i.e. trainees with beaked or hooked acromion should not overhead press as chances of impingement are greater.

Does impingement ever go away after rehab or does it linger. Also what do you think of overhead dumbbell presses with a neutral grip for a trainee with shoulder impingement.

