According to the Source Book for Teaching Science website ( the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV a day. If you live to be 65 years old, that’s 9 years of your life that were spent watching TV.
9 years!!
What if instead of watching TV you spent that time reading all the resources from a specific topic? Why you’d be an expert in no time.
In nine years you could have received 2 college degrees or an undergraduate degree and graduated from med school.
What if you “sacrificed” one hour of TV for vigorous exercise every day? Do you think you may be able to rid your life of a few health concerns? Maybe fit in to those smaller clothes or actually develop those washboard abs?
How about just feeling better about yourself?
The possibilities are truly endless when you see how much of your LIFE is wasted by watching too much TV.
Kick the habit.
P.S. While I’m on the subject, I think the local news should be removed from the airwaves. I caught a few minutes of it the other night (I don’t usually watch the news or read the newspaper anymore. If something important happens, don’t worry, someone will tell you about it) and they were reporting on stories that weren’t even local issues. WHY?!
Why does the local weather report have to take 10 minutes of my life just to find out whether I need to wear a coat tomorrow? Who gives a rat’s ass what the barometric pressure is. Does anyone ever sit around and say, “Whew, the barometric pressure sure is up today.” NO THEY DON’T! Here’s how easy it could be...
Weatherman: It’s going to be cold tomorrow, so wear a coat. Back to you Tony!
See how easy it is.
Thanks I feel better now.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Posted by
Bill Hartman
1:00 PM
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